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- October 2023
October 2023
Head’s Message

As we settle into the Fall semester I’d like to update you on some comings and goings in the department.
Congratulation to Dr. Rebecca Major who has been promoted to Associate Professor. This is well deserved promotion as Dr. Major has proven herself to be a fine scholar and teacher.
Dr. Bill Anderson, who many of you know as the Cross-Border Transportation Policy Chair has decided to retire effective January 1, 2024. CBI was founded under the direction of Dr. Anderson, Ontario Research Chair in Cross-Border Transportation Policy. His work at the Institute focused on research, education and public outreach related to the movement of people, goods and services across the Canada-US border. The multi-disciplinary perspective, incorporated engineering, economics, the social sciences, management and law. We wish Dr. Anderson all the best for his well-deserved retirement.
We have three students working with us from the Ignite Program:
Emily Macintyre will be organizing and arranging the new departmental reading room.
Joe Fawzy will be the contact person for our social media and will be assisting with the website refresh.
Miguel Hurtado is our student engagement facilitator who will be redesigning the bulletin boards and assisting with department events.
Also on the student front, there are some exciting new offerings. We now have a Co-op program in Political Science. First year students can apply for entry for January 1st. See below for more details.
The Political Science club is active and looking for opportunities to engage with students. They are working on several projects including a breakfast program and forming a team for Model NATO. Be sure to check our their poster below.
A calendar of events is listed at the end. If you have any upcoming events, news, or items you would like included, simply email [email protected] with the subject “newsletter” and we’ll include it in upcoming editions.
Finally, I hope everyone enjoys their October festivities and events. I’m hoping my hanging pumpkin ripens by Halloween!
Co-op in Political Science

We are excited to announce that Political Science now offers a Co-op program.
Co-op is an academic program that combines academic learning with practical work experience. Co-op students alternate between periods of attending university classes and working in a placement related to their field of study. Students who graduate with co-op will have 12 months of full-time, relevant, paid work experience, giving them a competitive edge post-graduation!
Applications for co-op will open on Friday, December 1 on the mySuccess portal.
The University is hosting several information sessions this semester to explain how co-op works and would love for interested students to join. See below for details:
Wednesday, October 25th from 2:30pm to 3:30pm
In Person
Location: Toldo Health Education Centre, Room 203
Link to register: https://success.uwindsor.ca/events.htm?evtId=14509
Tuesday, November 28th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Students who are interested in learning more about co-op but can’t attend an info session can book an appointment with Sydney Murray the Work Integrated Learning Coordinator using this link: https://calendly.com/sydneymurray401/fahss-coop
Alumni Updates
Students with an interest in health policy to check out the website/digital journal canadianhealthpolicy.com from alumnus Brett Skinner. Articles are published behind a pay wall, but many are sponsored for open access.
Political Science Club

Recent Faculty Publications and News
Rebecca Major was in NFLD (MUN) at a SSHRC sponsored (with MUN) workshop entitled: Discursive Constructions of Gender, Race, Indigeneity, and Disability
She spoke about ethics (REB) and how there are extra layers and work when one is an in-community researcher. The round table was called: Roundtable: Researcher Identity & Anti-Colonial, Anti-Racist Work.
Dr. Major will be at the University of Calgary at the beginning in November for a workshop: “Racism and Hidden Figures in the Canadian Academy: Mobilizing Knowledge on Marginality and Epistemic Oppression.” Her talk is called, “What do you mean your job never stops? Talking about Translation Exhaustion Indigenous Experiences”
Emmanuelle Richez gave a guest lecture at the University of Winnipeg on Thursday September 14th. The title of the talk was: "The Canadian Language Regime and Commercial Signage: Constitutional Limits and Opportunities." This research is conducted in collaboration with Dr. Stéphanie Chouinard from the Royal Military College of Canada and Queen's University.
Dr. Richez also attended a workshop in Kelowna organised by the UBC Centre for Constitutional Law and Legal Studies on the topic of the "Division of Powers." Dr. Richez is a Research Associate of that Center.
Graduate Scholarship deadlines
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
One website for all applications: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/cgsm-bescm_eng.asp
Deadline for students to complete the on-line application: December 1, 2023
Deadline for programs to submit their rankings to Graduate Studies: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
OGS - Ontario Graduate Scholarships
Information will be available on our on OGS/QEII-GSST website in mid-November.
Deadline for students to submit their applications to a graduate department at the University of Windsor: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Deadline for departments to submit their ranked candidates to their Faculty (if applicable): set by individual Faculties
Deadline for Faculties to submit their ranked candidates to Graduate Studies: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Journey from Africa Author of African Sons: The Zululander, Michael Naicker will detail his autobiography, tracing the sacrifices his ancestors made in crossing over to Africa, through the dark days of apartheid, to growing up as an Indian in a racially segregated society; all of which set the stage for his evolution as an educator
Deadline for deposit for Steps #2 &3 for Phase II tuition refund for Fall 2023
OCTOBER 20 10:00-11:30 pm - READING LIBERTY, Location CHN 1137
Author Art Carden, Professor, Economics from Brock School of Business at Samford University will join the Reading Liberty group to discuss his book, Leave me alone and I’ll make you rich. Event is open to all.
Lydia Miljan will be giving a talk on The Essential Women in Liberty: Jane Jacobs for the Fraser Institute. This free and public event is sponsored by the Fraser Institute.
The newly created Interdisciplinary and Critical Studies Department has announced its first “Teach-In” series titled “Learning (to) Hate Violence” featuring several experts on each subject. The talks are in response to recent incidences of hate violence that have affected our campus community, and will shed light on the reality of gendered violence in our lives and community.
Each session takes place in the SoCA Armouries Performance Hall and runs from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, in person and on Teams.
Register for a Teach-In session (in person or online) by emailing [email protected]